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26 mai 2017
- Inglês (EUA)
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Português (Brasil)
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26 mai 2017
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- Português (Brasil)
Quality Point(s): 618
Respostas: 241
Número de gostos: 2176
@rebeccagates Guilty pleasure can be literally translated as "Prazer culposo", but I would never use this chunk of words to say that.
I would translate your sentences like this:
Tequila é o meu PONTO FRACO.
Chocolate é o meu PONTO FRACO.
I don' t understand Binge, so I can't help you 100% on that. On the other hand, if I read it "Watching Netflix is my guilty pleasure." I'd easily translate it like this:
Assistir a Netflix é o meu PONTO FRACO.
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26 mai 2017
Prazer culposo
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26 mai 2017
- Português (Brasil)
- Inglês (RU)Quase Fluente
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Prazer Culpado
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26 mai 2017
- Inglês (EUA)Quase Fluente
- Português (Brasil)
Quality Point(s): 56
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@jamantice I'm Pop, I'm Pop lolsksnhs
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26 mai 2017
- Português (Brasil)
Quality Point(s): 618
Respostas: 241
Número de gostos: 2176
You mean when you have a food coma? Is that a kind of guilty pleasure? In this case you could say consciência pesada.
Estou com a consciência pesada porque eu comi muito.
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26 mai 2017
- Português (Brasil)
Quality Point(s): 618
Respostas: 241
Número de gostos: 2176
Could you make a sentence with " Guilty pleasure", please?
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26 mai 2017
- Inglês (EUA)
Quality Point(s): 168
Respostas: 175
Número de gostos: 182
@Fabio_AC Binge watching Netflix is my guilty pleasure. Tequila is my guilty pleasure. Chocolate is my guilty pleasure.
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26 mai 2017
- Português (Brasil)
Quality Point(s): 0
Respostas: 8
Número de gostos: 4
I don't think we have that expression exactly in Portuguese, but the translation would be "prazer culposo" or something like that :)
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26 mai 2017
- Português (Brasil)
Quality Point(s): 618
Respostas: 241
Número de gostos: 2176
@rebeccagates Guilty pleasure can be literally translated as "Prazer culposo", but I would never use this chunk of words to say that.
I would translate your sentences like this:
Tequila é o meu PONTO FRACO.
Chocolate é o meu PONTO FRACO.
I don' t understand Binge, so I can't help you 100% on that. On the other hand, if I read it "Watching Netflix is my guilty pleasure." I'd easily translate it like this:
Assistir a Netflix é o meu PONTO FRACO.
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26 mai 2017
- Inglês (EUA)
Quality Point(s): 168
Respostas: 175
Número de gostos: 182
26 mai 2017
- Português (Brasil)
Quality Point(s): 618
Respostas: 241
Número de gostos: 2176
@rebeccagates No worries.
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26 mai 2017
- Português (Brasil)
Quality Point(s): 0
Respostas: 58
Número de gostos: 42
Yeah, I don't think I can come up with a Portuguese expression, but you could say it is your weakness (like @Fabio_AC said), or your kriptonyte hahhahah
But no one would say it is their 'prazer culposo'.
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26 mai 2017
- Português (Brasil)
Quality Point(s): 0
Respostas: 7
Número de gostos: 2
Prazer culposo
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26 mai 2017
- Português (Brasil)
Quality Point(s): 266
Respostas: 139
Número de gostos: 111
"Prazer culposo" doesn't sound natural at all, I don't think someone would understand you if you used this term. Go with what Fabio_AC said, his answer was great!
Oh, by the way, it's "muito obrigada", not "muita obrigada"! :)
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26 mai 2017
- Inglês (EUA)
- Português (Brasil)
Quality Point(s): 0
Respostas: 6
Número de gostos: 5
It's like "prazer secreto", but it's not common at all. Some people prefer to say "paixonite secreta" , or just " paixonite"
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26 mai 2017
- Inglês (EUA)
Quality Point(s): 168
Respostas: 175
Número de gostos: 182
@Unexpected Thanks! MUITO obrigada
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26 mai 2017
- Inglês (EUA)Quase Fluente
- Português (Brasil)
Quality Point(s): 28
Respostas: 8
Número de gostos: 8
Here in Brazil (in the case off knowing English) we would actually say Guilty pleasure
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28 mai 2017
- Português (Brasil)
Quality Point(s): 648
Respostas: 284
Número de gostos: 200
@rebeccagates Actually it's "MuitO obrigada" :)
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